


Safety for both our employees and passengers is the most important issue in the company as we have a zero accident and zero injury objective. Our safety culture is based on a highly technical standard for our vessels, committed and highly trained employees and a competent and a responsible senior management team.

At the very minimum, all legal and other safety requirements must be complied with, whether they be at a national level, from the EU or from the UN agency the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). In line with international legislation (ISM Code), all safety procedures on board are documented and collated in an SMS manual which is available on the intranet.

Depending on their role in the company, all employees undergo a number of safety training sessions in order to be certified to work on board or ashore. Safety training sessions are part of our everyday business practices. They are continually updated and must be taken regularly during the employee’s term of employment. Exercises are carried out several times a month both on land and on board and cover such areas as fire, spillage, evacuation, crisis management and first aid. This improves safety levels for both employees and passengers.

Working preventively

For us, the environment and safety are something that everyone needs to take responsibility for, and that’s why we’ve been working on involving all of our employees in safety work. This involves discussing safety-related questions at meetings and meet-ups in all departments and by promoting active experience-sharing across the whole company. Raised safety awareness increases passenger security and also provides a high level of preparedness in case an accident or illness should occur.

Examples of non-conformance, accidents and dangerous situations are reported internally and then analysed and associated with improvement measures which further increase safety. Our internal auditors carry out safety audits twice a year, and their findings are reported to the head of safety and are used as the basis for improvement work. Every year, audits and safety briefings are also carried out by the authorities and classification societies. Their findings are also used to further develop our work towards improving safety for both employees and passengers.

ForSea has its own vessel simulator which is an important tool in our safety work. By simulating different scenarios, navigators and other key employees receive regular training in how to handle risk and crisis situations. In 2018, the decision was made to relocate the simulator to a more fit for purpose site connected to ForSea’s head office.

The transportation of hazardous cargo is carried out in accordance with the current legal framework by employees who undergo regular internal training sessions. This is then evaluated yearly by an external adviser. The adviser also participates in ForSea’s Hazardous Cargo group, which follows the latest developments in the area and provides suggestions for improvement in routine and working practices where required.

Developments in 2018

No serious shortcomings in overall safety on land or at sea were reported. A total of 40 (32) accidents in the workplace occurred, mainly during the cleaning of mechanical equipment, falling downstairs or on deck and cuts. The number of lost work days (LWD) resulting from accidents was 133.

There was a total of 0,8 accidents per 100,000 hours worked. In comparison with the average for other sectors and companies, this is a low figure. The total number of SMS reports received (which includes incidents, accidents and suggestions for improvement) was 402. In addition to flagging accidents, this type of reporting also helps identify hazards early so that ForSea can take preventive actions.

In 2018, ForSea transported a total of 7 million passengers. 15 accidents were reported, all of which only involved minor injuries. This corresponds to just 2,15 accidents per million passengers.


Accident Frequency Rate

  • 0,8


Accident Severity Rate

  • 11,87

AFR = (# Lost Time Incidents / # hours worked) x 100,000

ASR = (# lost work days / # hours worked) x 100,000